The Rambrandt of the Family

Many people asked what would happen if another pig were to watch Pigcasso paint. Would another swine follow in her ‘hoof-steps?’ But in my heart, I knew there could only ever be one Pigcasso. These questions were often discussed with a little rescued lamb was roaming close by, often watching Pigcasso and getting in the way! I could have never in my wildest imagination ever have believed  that ‘a sheep’ would be able to watch, articulate  Pigcasso's  artistic style and ultimately pick up the brush when given a ‘random’ opportunity two years later…”

In 2022, a week-old lamb was brought to the sanctuary. He had been picked up on the side of a road in the karoo which is known for its intensive sheep farms. Miraculously, the emancipated sheep survived. During his rehabilitation, the lamb would hang out at the back of the barn where Pigcasso would paint – and he would curiously watch her, even posing before her art once it was complete.  

Then, one day in 2024 while this sheep was being sheered, one of  Pigcasso's  brushes was used to clean the hair from the shears. When the sheep saw the brush, he walked up to it, took it in his mouth and tried to paint against the barn stall. No one could believe their eyes! Unbelievably, the sheep had learnt to paint by watching  Pigcasso when he was just a little lamb!

Instead of becoming a leg of lamb at just 4 months ‘old’ or more likely, be sent on a live transport ship to the Middle East, BAANKSY is now  Pigcasso's  prodigy; the ‘Ram-brandt’  that loves to paint!  In fact, it is almost impossible to get him to stop painting once he gets going! He even signs the artwork with his nose-tip when he’s done – just like Pigcasso!  

‘Throughout my life, I’ve been told that sheep are stupid. In fact, had the sheep not picked up the brush on that fateful day that BAANKSY had picked up a brush, I probably would have never considered giving a sheep a chance to explore the creative possibilities. Watching  BAANKSY has really opened my eyes to the extraordinary abilities of sheep; and has proven to me without any doubt – that sheep are not only delightful characters and unique individuals- but they are also exceptionally intelligent animals – worthy of our empathy and deeper understanding’